Case Study: Eastland High School Design
In 2018 we were tasked with redesigning the historic Eastland High School into a world-class learning environment complete with an elevator (that didn't exist at the time) and making the historic main entrance, once again, the crown jewel of this beautiful building.
In partnership with the local district, we were able to not only re-engineer the building with a new elevator but do so in the style, structure, and intent of the original architects. The main doors that had been an afterthought for so many decades, once again, became the grand entrance to a beautiful, old building. We were able to redesign this school to be adaptable to the needs of a small, growing district, and in partnership with local stakeholders and partners, we were still able to help return this amazing building to its former glory.
We developed an assessment of what resources the building had, what it needed, and what we could do to bring it back to its former glory.
Not only did we add an elevator, we created an additional three-story addition that looks like it was part of the original design. We also were able to move the administration offices back to where they were when the high school was first built.
The Eastland High School went from a beautiful shell building that had been reworked for the better part of a century to meet the immediate need, to a cohesive building that utilizes the original intent and design of the building.
School Design Philosophy
Texas is a vast and disparate place. From the metro areas of Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas, to smaller cities like Abilene and Midland and small towns Eastland and Rankin, each school district has unique needs.
Our goal as school architects in Texas is to make sure that the school building or educational facility you end up with is something that makes sense to your students and your community.
We believe that your community should be able to look at your school fifty years from now with pride.